
Documenting code in Markdown


Markdown basics

Here is a quick quide on some basics in markdown for particular situations when writing up documentation.

Code syntax

For when you want to document code within a markdown page you can do so in a couple of ways.


For situations where only a single line is the focus, and code/syntax highlighting isn’t required, block-quotes can be handy. Block quotes only require a starting ‘>’ character, and the code follows. The block is closed by leaving a blank line after the end of the code.

> code goes here!

Fenced code blocks

For multi-line code segments with syntax highlighting, you can use back-ticks to surround a code section. Three (3) back-ticks start and stop the code section ‘```’ :

``` javascript
function start()
    console.log("Hello World");


To define what code is being shown, write the language trailing the starting back-ticks. A supported list on what languages are supported by code highlighting by github markdown can be seen here