
Automating Proxmox with Ansible

A quick look at some basic Ansible Automation for Proxmox

Automating Proxmox with Ansible

Before I get started, I will breakdown the required packages and modules to get this working on you Ansible host machine and Target Proxmox server.


I Was using this Git repo here as an example implimentaion.

Installation of Packages & Modules

Installation is rather staright forward.

For Community-general run

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

For any issues with installation consult the install docs.

For python v2.7 pip run

sudo apt install python-pip

For python v3 pip (pip3) run

sudo apt install python3-pip

Use python3 pip on your Ansible host machine and Proxmox Machine. Only use python2.7 pip on Proxmox machine if ansible playbook throws errors around “Proxmoxer” not installed on Proxmox host.

For Proxmoxer run

sudo pip3 install proxmoxer # For python3 pip (pip3)
# OR
sudo pip install proxmoxer # For python2.7 pip

Ansible Setup

For a detailed guide on getting started with Ansible, head over to there excellent docs, for this Guide we will jump straight to running playbooks targeting Proxmox.

I’ll be assuming that you already have setup SSH and Authentication to your targeted Proxmox server. If not, I have an Article about that here on this site.

Ansible & Collections Modules Notes

While I would have liked to structure my Ansible folder with subfolders for playbooks & roles etc, I ran into issues with Ansible not finding the Community.General Module under Collections when running playbooks from different directoris to the default.

You can test If ansible can detect a module if its installed correctly, using the following command

ansible-doc module.namespace

# For community.general.proxmox
ansbile-doc community.general.proxmox

This should output the module reference manual in the commandline. If not, then there is an issue with Ansible finding the path to the module.

In the end to get things started, I stayed within the /etc/ansible/ directory, and just placed playbooks, with the rest of the files in the base /ansible directory.

In the future I would look to sort this issue, but for now this will be fine.

My basic Container

I will be creating a basic Ubuntu 20.04 lts conatiner, with 2 Cpu cores, 512 MB Memory and 16 GB of storage.

The main breakdown of my parameters are in the table below:

Spec Value
OS Ubuntu 20.04 Server lts
CPU 2 Cores
RAM 512 MB
DOMAIN Prod.lab
STORAGE Volume mxzfs
TEMPLATE Volume ISOimages_Alpha

Specs Explained

As I have seperate vlans on my network segregating things out, Im using the DHCP server from the Nameserver to generate the Container IP. This nameserver is at on vlan 50, the Prod.lab domain.

My Proxmox server has a ZFS pool, where all my Container & VM disks are located. This has the Volume name mxzfs.

And lastly my ISO/templates that I will reference when deplying the OS, is located on a mounted NFS volume called ISOimages_alpha.

If you are storing Container & VM disks on the Local Proxmox volume then use local for the storage volume. Also if your templates are local to the Machine, use local for the Template volume.

Writing The Container playbook

For a detailed documentaion of all the parameters available for the Proxmox module consult the proxmox module docs

The minimum required Parameters for the module to execute is api_host and api_user.

Node Login & Container credentials

Node & Container values need no explaining, below table give examples.

Breakdown of Node & Container Parameters & Values:

Name Value
api_user ‘root@pam’
api_password ‘apiPassword’
api_host ‘’
vmid ‘123’
password ‘containerPassword’
hostname ‘’
node ‘host’

Container Resources

Container Resources do need explaining specifically ostemplate and netif values.

ostemplate parameters need to start with the Volume Name followed by the vztmpl prefix string, then the Template to reference. For example isoVolume:vztmpl/template.tar.gz.

Storage parameter value should be the target volume name for storing the container disk. As explained earlier, if you are storing disk volumes in the default local volume, then use local. For my needs I will use the volume named mxzfs.

netif parameter strings follow a format. Starts with the network name, like net0, followed by comma seperated list of parameters configuring the interface. Network interface Name eth0, the ip and ip6 addresses. Im using DHCP for both so ip=dhcp,ip6=dhcp the bridge name bridge=vmbr0. Also as im using a vlan with a vlan number I need to add tag=50. Wrap all of this in curly brackets and single quotes. For example '{"net0":"name=eth0,ip=dhcp,ip6=dhcp,bridge=vmbr0,tag=50"}'

Breakdown of Container Resource Parameters & Values:

Name Value
cores ‘1’
cpus ‘1’
cpuunits ‘1000’
ostemplate ‘ISOimages_Alpha:vztmpl/ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz’
storage ‘mxzfs’
disk ‘16’
memory ‘512’
nameserver ‘’
netif ‘{“net0”:“name=eth0,ip=dhcp,ip6=dhcp,bridge=vmbr0,tag=50”}’
searchdomain ‘prod.lab’

Create your playbook.yml file and start the config structure as follows.

- name: The name of the Playbook
  hosts: 'The host target' #
  - name: 'The name of this task'
    proxmox: # community.general.proxmox module reference
    # All the proxmox.module parameters go here

Here is an example of the fleshed out playbook.

- name: Create new LXC container in Proxmox Cygnus Host

  hosts: ''
  - name: 'Create Container'
      vmid: '300' # Specifying Container ID
      api_user: 'root@pam' # Proxmox user
      api_password: apiPassword # Password in plaintext !!!
      api_host: '' # Proxmox hostname
      password: containerPassword # Password in plaintext !!!
      hostname: '' # Container hostname
      node: 'cygnus' # Name of Proxmox host
      cores: '1'
      cpus: '2'
      cpuunits: '1000'
      ostemplate: 'ISOimages_Alpha:vztmpl/ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz' # Or use local:vztmpl/... as discussed
      storage: 'mxzfs' # Or use 'local' as discussed
      disk: '16'      
      memory: '512'
      nameserver: '' 
      netif: '{"net0":"name=eth0,ip=dhcp,ip6=dhcp,bridge=vmbr0,tag=50"}'
      searchdomain: 'prod.lab'
      state: 'present'

Running the Playbook

To run this playbook, simply use the command in the ansible base directory:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml