
HTML Cheat Sheet

HTML Cheat Sheet Note: Content refferenced from: developer.mozilla.org. Do check it out. It’s one of the best sources for learning HTML The Basics: First thing to know is page structure. HTML Element <html></html> The html element represents the root or Top-level element of an html document. This is also reffered to as the root element. ALL other elements must be decendence of this element. This follows the <head> element.

Documenting code in Markdown

Markdown basics Here is a quick quide on some basics in markdown for particular situations when writing up documentation. Code syntax For when you want to document code within a markdown page you can do so in a couple of ways. Block-quotes For situations where only a single line is the focus, and code/syntax highlighting isn’t required, block-quotes can be handy. Block quotes only require a starting ‘>’ character, and the code follows.

Project setup with Virtual Environment

Virtaulize your Environment When managing or just simply creating new projects, it can easily become a chore installing/uninstalling dependencies or libraries depending on what your project will be trying to solve. This process will soon break your package repo’s, or at the very least, cause alot of wasted time, sorting out broken dependencies. Enter the idea of Virtaul Environments (From the Software develpment viewpoint, atleast). This is the concept of keeping your projects seperate, and contained, while holding all there unique and specific dependencies and libraries to themselves, away from the rest of your projects and global environment settings.